Happy Smiles
Discover stories from our previous patients
Regain confidence, forever
“I’ve had issues with my teeth since I was 9 years old, and I have always had problems and it’s always been a real insecurity of mine.
I actually got recommended by one of my clients, I saw her come in and her smile was just incredible. She was like, you have got to see Sam, he is the best”
Esther had always had confidence issues about her smile and suffered a lot of issues over the years with dentistry that left her teeth discoloured and misaligned. After a friend recommended Dr Sam Jethwa, Esther has finally found someone who understood her, and had the skills to change her smile, and her confidence forever.
Esther claims it is “the best money I’ve ever spent”.
Why Stacey travelled from France for Dr Jethwa's Handmade Trial Smile
Stacey knew she wanted a change, and having seen Dr Sam Jethwa’s work before, she knew it would be worth travelling from the South of France to have her eight ultra-thin porcelain veneers fitted with his handmade Trial Smile technique.
2 trips to the UK from France, and 8 ultra-thin porcelain veneers later, Stacey returned with a smile that is one of one; truly bespoke.
Lorna Luxe's Journey to a New Smile
Discover Lorna’s story and the process she went through to sculpt her perfect smile.
Lorna Luxe (Part 1)
When we met Lorna she had already had other consultations, but our shared vision and the Smile Sculpting technique meant we could give Lorna exactly what she wanted – her smile but better.
Lorna Luxe (Part 2)
Discover how Dr Sam Jethwa included Lorna’s personality into her smile, what his thought process was, and why a new smile needs to not only work with the face, but also reflect the personality of the person.
Lorna Luxe (Part 3)
”They’re gorgeous. Absolutely great. It’s life-changing, isn’t it? It’s like a new me.” Discover how the experience was for Lorna during the fitting of her 10 porcelain veneers.

Looking to achieve the perfect smile for your wedding day?
Sophie and William Gale recently received cosmetic dentistry treatments by Dr Sam Jethwa ahead of their wedding day.
Sophie says, ‘being confident with my smile made all the difference to me on my wedding day. I highly recommend Bespoke Smile to anyone considering cosmetic dentistry’.
How Bespoke Smile helped Gloria get her confidence back
“For me, getting a new smile, it’s like I’m taking my life back. They have saved my teeth. They have saved my smile. They have saved me.”
A year before she came to Bespoke Smile, Gloria was told she would need to have all her bottom teeth removed. Get a behind-the-scenes look as Dr Sam Jethwa and Dr Gurs Sehmi speak to Gloria about how they’re going to craft her perfect smile.
Discover how Dental Veneers can resolve bite issues and worn down teeth
“I have an unusual bite and my teeth are very worn down from where they should be. Although my dentist, if it were a simpler case, would have been able to rectify with composite bonding or something similar, in my case he recommended me to come here.
Because in his opinion, Sam is the best person around to carry out the work.”
Having undergone cancer treatment, Marlon was now looking to focus on his smile. We spoke to Marlon about the work he had done, how it’s changed his life, and why he chose Bespoke Smile and Dr Sam Jethwa.
Sophie's Signature Smile: Transformed
“I have had veneers in the past and I’m not happy with them, so I’m here to have them replaced.”
Sophie has worked with Dr Sam Jethwa since 2016, and together they’ve placed thousands of veneers. Unhappy with her current veneers, Sophie is getting a Signature Smile using Dr Sam’s Smile Sculpting techniques.
Dental Veneers for peace of mind
“I had a problem with my teeth as a child, the health of them was not good and my confidence was super affected by that. I wanted to feel feminine, attractive and glamorous, but instead, I felt very shy, withdrawn and insecure.
I had seen good deals in Turkey, but I didn’t want to risk the health of my teeth or substandard work. I was told my teeth were beyond help, it was obviously very upsetting to hear.
I read how Sam could specialise in nervous patients, and I felt nervous given what I had been through. I instantly felt that he was a very calm and quietly confident man. I feel like he understands that people are so emotionally attached to their teeth and their smile, and he wants their journey to be one that isn’t traumatic.
It’s given me a new peace of mind I haven’t had before.”
Having had bad experiences with dentists previously, Milly has spent a long time researching dentists and was even willing to go abroad to fix her smile before finding Dr Sam Jethwa of Bespoke Smile, who she’d heard specialised in nervous patients.
Why choose Bespoke Smile for Invisalign and Composite Bonding
Improving the position of the teeth is one of the most minimally invasive way to enhance your smile. Giving you the ”your smile but better” look that we do so well here at Bespoke Smile. At Bespoke Smile, we’re Invisalign Elite providers, meaning we can provide the best Invisalign treatments you’d find anywhere.
A confident smile, is a beautiful smile
Great British Bake Off winner Matty Edgell visited Dr Sam Jethwa for a confident smile ahead of a friend’s wedding he was attending. Utilising Dr Sam’s Smile Sculpting technique, Matty had 8 porcelain veneers fitted.
“I wanted to feel confident in my smile. He [Dr Sam Jethwa] was really honest, he didn’t try to push any kind of treatment on me, and it gave me great confidence in the treatment that I would be having.”
"I couldn't be happier"
Sally had 20 ultra-thin porcelain veneers after multiple whitening treatments weren’t able to maintain the colour she wanted. Using the Trial Smile technique to test her the colour, shape and bite for four weeks, Sally ‘couldn’t be happier’ with her new smile.
“Sam was brilliant when I first met him. I was searching for somebody that I could really trust and that I could have confidence with and he came across that way.”
A new smile that leaves you speechless
“I’ve never seen myself with straight teeth like that.”
The reveal of seeing your new smile for the first time is a big moment! Here, our patient was shown the final results from his fully hand-sculpted Trial Smile before the fitting of his ultra thin porcelain veneers. Emotions tend to vary at this point, which is expected after a change as dramatic as this!
How the Trial Smile reveals confidence
“Before I came here my smile was hidden. I didn’t really used to smile a lot at all, and you certainly couldn’t see my teeth when I smiled. Now I feel an awful lot more confident, I want to show my teeth. I feel really happy with them and every time I do smile it reminds me of a really good feeling.”
Having heard the great experiences members of his family had, Matt decided to with Bespoke Smile unique Handmade Trial Smile, having 10 veneers fitted during the procedure. He’s ‘thrilled with the end result’ and can now smile with confidence!
Dental Veneers for Ru Paul's Drag Race UK Star, Cheryl Hole
“The work that Sam has created is God-like. He is a genius. I have no words to say, so the only thing I can do right now is smile!”
Getting over a dental phobia for a brand new smile
“I had quite a few problems with my teeth all round really. One of the things that prompted me was my little grandson said ‘Grandad, why are your teeth so yellow?’ I had a bit of a phobia about dentists but I’ve had no discomfort or anything all the way through. It’s been absolutely fantastic!”
Discover Nick’s story through his fitting of a whole top set of complete veneers, and implants through the bottom row of teeth.