Dr Sam Jethwa included in Dentistry Top 50 2024

Top 50 dentistry awards

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Introducing the Dentistry Top 50 2024 – meet Dentistry‘s list of 50 trailblazers shaping the dental profession in 2024.

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Who are the game changers in dentistry today? Where are the trailblazers, the visionaries – and the unsung heroes? Where does the real influence lie within the dental profession?

The Dentistry Top 50 2024 is here to answer these questions for another year.

The Top 50 is no ordinary list – it’s curated by us to shout about the people making the biggest difference in shaping the profession. This is about the people propelling dentistry forward, and celebrating their achievements within the dental community.

Because dentistry – and by extension, the patients it serves – arguably needs its heroes more profoundly than ever.

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Defying adversity

Today’s dental landscape is an uneven country, between the access crisis that defines NHS dentistry, continuing political change and patient demand for private treatment clashing with rising living costs.

Last year, we published a list set against the backdrop of unprecedented disruption. In many ways, The Dentistry Top 50 2024 is no different.

But while the world outside the practice walls goes through the difficulties of defining a new normal, the dental profession is – as ever – rising to that challenge in fascinating ways.

The people on this list are instrumental in defining that response.

Making the cut

As ever, there is no single metric for inclusion on the Dentistry Top 50 2024. On this list you will find opinion leaders, mentors and educators – people pushing to extend the dental community’s collective knowledge.

They stand shoulder to shoulder with researchers, campaigners and activists: those working tirelessly to improve things for the profession or simply to find some way to deliver oral healthcare where it is needed most.

And of course there are the giants of clinical care and general practice themselves – the clinicians at the sharp edge of dental practice in the UK.

Whether it’s building successful practices, advocating for those in dire need of oral care, or educating others to do the same, the passion and determination displayed have undeniably elevated the field.

In some respects, the new Top 50 remains a gauge of influence and, to some degree, popularity. But it goes far beyond that: the names on this list characterise the innovation, drive, passion and conviction that define dentistry in 2024.

These results stem from hours of discussion and deliberation from our entire team. We understand that not everyone will agree with all our selections, but rest assured, each one was chosen with care and consideration.

Welcome to the Dentistry Top 50 2024.

Source: Dentistry.co.uk

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