If the impressively gazelle-like silhouettes of Victoria Beckham, Jenifer Aniston and Elizabeth Hurley weren’t enough to persuade you to switch your morning cup of tea for a spoon of apple cider vinegar, startling new research might.
A new study, published yesterday in the respected medical journal, BMJ, has shown drinking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water every morning before breakfast could be enough to trigger a 6-8kg weight loss (around a stone) in three months.
This is TRIPLE the impact of weight loss jabs such as Ozempic which, studies show, might result in around 1kg of lost weight per month, at a fraction of the price and without any uncomfortable and embarrassing side effects.

For the vinegar study, scientists in Lebanon asked a group of 30 overweight and obese young people aged 12-25 to drink a spoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) diluted in water each morning. The ‘dose’ varied: some drank a teaspoon (5ml), a dessert spoon (10ml) or a tablespoon (15ml) and others drank a placebo drink which looked just like apple cider vinegar (to ensure the study had ‘double blind’ credibility and no bias).
After three months those on the highest dose had lost an average of 8kg in weight (just over a stone), had dropped three points off their BMI (body mass index – which measures weight to height ratio) and had shown ‘significant’ shrinking around their waist and hips.
The ACV drinkers also recorded a ‘significant’ drop in blood glucose, blood fats (triglycerides) and cholesterol which are all key measures of metabolic health – with NO side effects. All these despite NO changes to diet or exercise levels.
The biology professor who ran the study was so convinced by his team’s findings that he confessed to the Daily Mail that he now takes a daily dose of ACV himself and has ‘observed remarkable benefits.’
When you can buy one month supply of apple cider vinegar in a 500ml bottle for around £2 from supermarkets – this is BIG news for the world of weight loss, and great news for those of us keen to shed a few extra pounds.
Here we answer all your apple cider vinegar questions:
How does apple cider vinegar work?
Apple cider vinegar is made by combining crushed apples with yeast and bacteria and allowing it to ferment into acetic acid.
Animal studies have suggested that acetic acid works to aid weight loss in two ways: by reducing hunger and therefore food consumption, and also (separately) by enhancing energy expenditure and making us more likely to burn fat than carbohydrates.
Jessie Inchauspe is a biochemist aka The Glucose Goddess who has amassed 3.6 million followers on Instagram and is a great advocate of daily vinegar shots.
She says the acetic acid in vinegar works by temporarily inactivating alpha-amylase, a digestive enzyme in saliva that breaks down any sugar or starch that we eat into glucose molecules. This ensures glucose is released into the blood stream more slowly, preventing the blood sugar spikes that are bad for your health and which can lead to weight gain.
Vinegar has a second benefit too: when acetic acid gets into the bloodstream, it penetrates the muscles, encouraging them to soak up glucose molecules and to store them away.
These two factors – glucose being released into the body more slowly and our muscles taking it up more quickly – mean that after consuming vinegar you should end up with less free-flowing glucose in your blood, and much smaller glucose spikes.
In her book, The Glucose Goddess Method, Inchauspe quotes studies which show one tablespoon of vinegar before a meal can reduce the glucose spike of that meal by up to 30 percent. With that, cravings are curbed, hunger is tamed and more fat is burned.
Vinegar appears to have an impact on the hormone insulin too, reducing levels in the blood. The same studies show that single tablespoon of vinegar can reduce insulin levels in the blood by 20 percent. This means there’s less chance that any excess glucose in the blood is being used to pad out your fat reserves, so reducing the risk of inflammation and weight gain.
Vinegar has also been shown to have a remarkable effect on our DNA (the molecules inside cells which contain all the important genetic information) instructing the DNA to reprogram slightly so that the cells burn more fat.
Inchauspe explains: ‘When you flatten your blood glucose peaks and troughs, cravings dissipate, putting you back into control of what and when you eat. Hormones rebalance and, with less insulin washing around, your body can ease out of fat-storing mode into a more natural fat-burning mode more frequently and for longer periods of time.’
Will any vinegar do the job?
All vinegars contain acetic acid: white wine, red wine, apple cider, malt, balsamic, sherry, rice, though Inchauspe suggests avoiding syrupy aged balsamic vinegars which can be too high in sugar, and not drinking harsh cleaning vinegar (which is sold next to the mops and toilet paper in the supermarket).
What’s so special about ACV?
Apple cider vinegar has long been thought to offer health benefits, not just because of the acetic acid but because unfiltered, unpasteurised ACV also contains a cloudy sediment made up of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria (from the fermented apples). This sediment is referred to as the ‘mother’, and many scientists believe she elevates ACV above other vinegars.
‘The weight loss effects of other vinegars are generally modest, but it is believed ACV with the “mother” contains additional beneficial compounds which may contribute to its purported weight loss impact and may offer additional health benefits,’ explains study leader, Professor Rony Abou-Khalil from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, in Lebanon.
Animal studies have identified the natural antioxidants in the ‘mother’ as being useful in helping to reduce visceral fat (harmful active fat that sits around the organs in the abdomen) and lower cholesterol; while the natural probiotic effect appears to support the gut and immune system.
There’s no indication that organic ACV is any more effective than non-organic, but look for unpasteurised (the extreme heat of pasteurisation will kill or damage potentially beneficial bacteria) and shake the bottle to check it has a cloudy, floating sediment.
How much do you need?
The Lebanon study found the best weight loss results on 15ml (a tablespoon) of ACV per day, diluted in a glass of water, although there were signs of improvement on just 5ml (a teaspoon). ACV can be an acquired taste, so Inchauspe suggests weaning yourself in with a teaspoon (or less) in a glass of hot or cold water at first. The quality of a vinegar can impact
its flavour, but she warns against mixing it with sugar, honey, agave or maple syrup, or fruit juice, because the sugar can negate the vinegar’s effects.
When’s the best time to take it?
Jessie Inchauspe recommends the best time for your ACV shot is in the morning with or before breakfast (because you’re more likely to remember) or ten minutes before or after eating something sweet (such as a sugary snack, biscuit, bar of chocolate, dessert) or something starchy (pasta, bread, potatoes, rice).
Will ACV work for everyone? The new study which saw such impressive results was focussed on overweight youngsters aged 12-25 and the study leader, Professor Abou-Khalil, candidly admitted to the Daily Mail that the findings ‘may not necessarily translate directly to older age groups’, explaining that: ‘Factors such as metabolism, hormonal changes, and underlying health conditions can vary significantly across age groups and may influence the effects of ACV or any intervention.’
However, he is sufficiently convinced by his own science to admit that he is now a convert to a daily ACV shot: ‘I actually took it myself for 12 weeks during the study, and I observed remarkable benefits, particularly in my blood glucose level, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The results were quite convincing,’ he says.
Will ACV erode your teeth?
Apple cider vinegar is extremely acidic and dentists warn that daily drinking could allow the acid to attack your tooth enamel, causing erosion which can lead to pain, sensitivity and discolouration.
Dr Sam Jethwa, who is president elect of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a dentist at www.bespokesmile.co.uk in Marlow, Bucks recommends rinsing your mouth with water after drinking ACV, waiting 30 minutes, and then brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.
‘The wait is important because your tooth enamel will already be weak from the acidity so brushing too soon could make this worse,’ he says. ‘Fluoride will prevent damage to the enamel and also reduce acidity in the mouth.’
He suggests using a straw to minimise contact between the ACV and the teeth, and always diluting the ACV with around 250ml of water per tablespoon of ACV.
‘Ideally, you should take your ACV drink WITH a meal to reduce the amount of times the teeth are exposed to acid throughout the day. A small piece of cheese is enough to help to neutralise the mouth,’ he adds.
What about side effects?
Jessie Inchauspe recommends that anyone with stomach issues (such as erosion of the stomach lining or gastric ulcer) checks with their GP before taking ACV on a regular basis as the additional acidity may not be helpful. ‘However, vinegar is less acidic than your gastric juices, lemon juice or even cola, so it should be fine!’
Most standard vinegars are pasteurized and safe to consume during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, ACV is usually unpasteurized, which may present risks to pregnant women, so Jessie suggests you check with your doctor first.