Can I Get Dental Implants on the NHS?

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If you have already done some research, you’ll be aware that dentists consider dental implants as the best tooth replacement solution. However, the cost of getting dental implants in the UK can be a stumbling block.

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It’s no surprise that many of us based in the UK are keen to explore the possibility of receiving this treatment through the NHS. There are a few things to note, such as eligibility criteria and the process for obtaining the dental implants themselves. We’ll take you through all the key things you need to know, and explore how you can improve your chances of receiving the treatment.

Are dental implants covered by the NHS?

Yes, you can have dental implants on the NHS. But there is a little more to it than that.

The NHS offers dental implants to patients with a severe medical need – even though missing teeth is a problem, this alone is not enough to get you approved for the treatment. Many people who would like NHS implants are not eligible and are forced to settle for non-permanent treatments such as bridgework or dentures.

With such a demand for implants and a low budget to supply them, the NHS have to prioritise patients according to their medical circumstances. Funded dental implant treatment is usually only available where reconstructive surgery is needed due to major trauma or cancers, following a consultation.

If you do not have a clear medical need, for example severe teeth loss, you will usually have to pay for this treatment privately.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth with a fixed option that you do not need to remove.

Dental implants act as artificial teeth roots. Made of biocompatible titanium, they are inserted into the jaw to support missing teeth. Titanium screws are set into the jaw bone, allowing the implant to function as an anchor for a false tooth. Then, a process called osseointegration takes place, where bone and implant fuse together.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth, and they serve to keep your jawbone healthy by replicating the function of natural teeth.

How to get free dental implants in the UK: NHS-Funded Criteria

The Royal College of Surgeons states that certain eligibility criteria can increase your chances of receiving dental implants on the NHS.

The likelihood of you receiving NHS-funded dental implants increases when:

  • You have missing or malformed teeth due to a genetic or inherited condition, such as congenitally missing teeth.
  • You have lost your teeth due to cancer or other conditions, where your teeth have to be extracted during your course of treatment.
  • You are experiencing tooth loss and are unsuitable for dentures.

Whether you have lost your teeth due to trauma,or other conditions, guidelines state that all conventional tooth replacement options must be explored first and deemed unsuccessful.

Additional factors that enhance your eligibility for dental implants on the NHS

  • You are registered with a general dentist
  • You receive regular dental checkups
  • You have no untreated conditions such as gum disease or tooth decay
  • You comply with good oral hygiene standards
  • You are a non-smoker

More reasons why you may be declined for dental implants on the NHS

  • You experience poor dental health
  • You have a blood or bone disorder
  • You suffer from Bruxism
  • You have poorly controlled diabetes

Tooth implant costs in the UK – NHS

We’ve covered the eligibility criteria, but just how much are tooth implants on the NHS?

Dental implants are charged according to standard NHS fees. For some people, implants will be free, but for others the fees per course of treatment will be from £280 in England, £200 in Wales, and £380 in Scotland. As the fees are per course of treatment, so even if you only need one tooth replaced, you pay the same for a full mouth of dental implants.

Why choose private dental implant treatment?

At Bespoke Smile, we believe that everyone has the right to a healthy smile, and many of our patients come to us after not being able to find a solution through NHS or other general dentists. We also find patients coming to us who are finding it hard to eat due to missing teeth, or are looking to replace existing dentures with a more stable solution. Dental implants provide the perfect long-term, confidence-boosting solution.

At Bespoke Smile, Dr Sam Jethwa leads a clinical team of specialists including Dr Pano Kaimakamis, a registered periodontist, with an interest in tissue regeneration, and dentists with special interests, including Dr Gurs Sehmi who has an interest in basic and advanced implant surgery and bone grafts.

Our process:

  • First we use our world-class, in-house Cone Beam CT Scan and intraoral digital scanner, which allows us to plan your implant treatment down to micromillimeters. This allows for precision placement to avoid any complications.
  • Then a titanium dental implant is created and placed in a simple procedure, followed by fusing the implant to the jawbone which can take up to a few weeks or even months.
  • A false tooth (‘crown’) is then set on top of the implant and will feel like a normal tooth once the treatment is complete.

No specialist care is required following your dental implant, but there are a few aftercare rules our patients follow to ensure the healing period is as quick and comfortable as possible. Find out more about our 0% finance options.

Dental implants with Bespoke Smile

If you want to replace missing teeth but can’t meet the criteria for NHS-funded treatment, or simply don’t want to wait, our experienced team of dentists can talk you through the most suitable treatment options for your needs.

We’re here to support you through your whole dental implant treatment!

To discuss more, get in touch with us at Bespoke Smile and book your free consultation today.

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